Cisco & The Sun: The Purnama Platter

Photography and art direction for ceramics label, Cisco & The Sun. Designed in Indonesia/Perth and handmade in Cambodia, the Purnama Platter is a striking, wide, shallow platter with a bold curved edge. I wanted to showcase the mix of bold curves and lines, and earthy materials, through the use of direct natural light and shadows together within the context of the natural environment.


Porch Ceramics North Fremantle (PCNF)

PCNF creates hand made ceramics from their studio in North Fremantle, Western Australia. The team specialises in custom pieces from tableware to lighting for hospitality, retail and the home. PCNF needed photos of their stock for the online website, store and content. There is a sense of personality, humour and softness to their creations which I wanted to capture through movement, lighting/shadows and the context.

All images on this site are the exclusive property of Christopher Hendriks and are protected by copyright law. Unauthorised reproduction, distribution, modification, or usage of these images is strictly prohibited without explicit consent from Christopher Hendriks.

For licensing inquiries or usage permissions, please contact Christopher Hendriks at christopher.hendriks@live.com.au. Thank you for respecting the intellectual property rights of the artist.

Website design & build by C. Domini Studio